These concerts are being carried on by Mr Macwaters with his usual energy and enterprise, but we regret to observe that the attendance is not yet up to the point likely to prove remunerative but possibly as the season advances and the weather becomes less attractive out of doors these enjoyable concerts will be more largely taken advantage of, as they have now become institution in our town, as such deserve the encouragement and support of the community. On Saturday evening the artistes consisted chiefly of local favourites, and the entertainments provided were of a very enjoyable kind, and showed that the manager had no real necessity to seek performers at a distance while so much genuine talent exists in our midst. Miss Charlotte Smith made a creditable first appearance, and showed herself a vocalist and dancer from whom may yet be expected many good things, Mr McGonagall, “tragedian,” was well received, and proved that he had acquired a style of acting peculiarly his own. The negro comedians, Brown and Elder, gave a laughable burlesque sketch which proved highly amusing, while Messrs J. Low, J. Bovack, and Kenneth Mackenzie were humorous without being vulgar. R- Wilson sang with his usual good taste, and, like all the other performers, received the cordial approval of the audience. The accompaniments on the pianoforte by Messrs Robertson and Justice were very effective, Mr D. B. Brown presided the Thistle Hall, and Mr J. Johnstone in the Victoria Hall. We trust that bumper houses will soon reward Macwaters for his laudable endeavours to provide cheap enjoyment for the people.
Dundee Courier, 2nd October 1876