Last night Mr McGonagall again gave, before a large company, one of his unique entertainments. The programme was lengthy, but to the audience this did not appear to a fault, they seemed be greatly entertained with the unique style of McGonagall’s elocution. His original poem “Balmoral Castle,” a copy of which, as our readers are aware, has been sent to Her Majesty the Queen, was recited by the Poet with great feeling, and for this he was honoured with an encore, which he graciously complied with. We understand that one of our theatrical “stars” was present, and engaged him on the spot to appear as Richard III. in Drury Lane early in the season. Towards the close of the entertainment Mr McGonagall was requested to give as an encore “The Bonnie Haired Lassie,” and the audience joined in the musical though weird chorus. As previously remarked, Mr McGonagall’s vocal powers are only equalled his elocutionary ability. His singing of “The Silvery Tay” took the audience by storm.
Dundee Courier, 11th October 1879